Help Desk


The new ON-LINE CONSULTING service provides the user with an area that is always available for the requests concerning the world of “Logistics & Goods Handling“, especially in business relationships with foreign countries where only specific knowledges make the work process easier and simpler.

The offered consultation will extend from the customs area (import / export), with the right approach to the EXTRA-EU relevant legislation, the compilation of the INTRASTAT models, the research for the best logistics outsourcing solutions, to optimized transport management.

Our dedicated department will analyze every single request and assess its complexity and nature, in order to give focused and immediate feedback or to propose a meeting to examine in depth the subject matter.

The Consultation will be free or paid, previously agreed


Access our new dedicated system

Where we are

Corso Torino, 95
27029 Vigevano (PV)



+39 0381 32 96 31